
I'm Yuwei, a Ph.D. candidate in Electrical and Systems Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, in the General Robotics, Automation, Sensing, and Perception (GRASP) Laboratory, under the supervision of Prof. Vijay Kumar. My research focuses on motion planning and trajectory optimization for mobile robots, particularly in dynamic, uncertain, and complex real-world environments. She received her B.Eng. degree in Transportation Engineering from Beijing Jiaotong University, China, in 2019, and her M.S.E. degree in Systems Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania in 2022. Before my Ph.D., I worked with Prof. Fei Gao on trajectory optimization for quadrotors.

My research interests are:

  • (Multi-agent) Task and motion planning
  • (Learning-enabled) Trajectory generation and optimization
  • Aerial robot applications (exploration, tracking, navigation)
  • The goal of my research is to push the foundational limits of optimization problems, improve system robustness, and provide long-horizon guarantees for next-generation robots capable of making intelligent decisions.

    RoboPhD: Some records and notes of papers, seminars, and repos I collect.